1499 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 201 McLean, VA 22101
(703) 244-9656

McLean Psychologist, Clients Take to the Outdoors


Jennifer Lager knows people suffering from anxiety or depression often isolate and stay indoors. It’s her job to get them on the move again—both mentally and physically.

“One of the things we know so well is exposure to outdoor light and exercise are really, really good for treating depression and anxiety,” said Lager, a licensed clinical psychologist who has practiced in McLean for 11 years. “And often times when people get depressed, especially, they tend to isolate, they lose interest in previously enjoyed activities, so it just kind of gets them out and moving.”

Lager offers a therapeutic walking group and sometimes takes walks with individual clients, usually teenagers who tend to relax and open up more when outside. The group usually walks at Scott’s Run Nature Preserve, and she takes individual clients to McLean Central Park.

Read the rest of the article at Mclean Patch